Sister Parish
To help parishioners understand that we are members of a universal Church that transcends national boundaries and calls us to live in solidarity and justice with the peoples of the world. We are in the process of building a relationship with the Cristo Rey Parish in Maracay, Venezuela
Correspondence with Cristo Rey Parish:
Sister Parish Committee Objectives
Parish Goal #8: Continue to build relationships with other faith communities and to grow our on-going Sister Parish relationship.
Our sister parish relationship represents our need to think globally, to engage in a “catholic” (universal) relationship. Doing so in a concrete way is why we are in a sister parish partnership…thus the task of our committee.
Our objectives:
• Create awareness of Cristo Rey
• Create ways for parishioners of Cristo Rey to interact with members of our parish
• Develop an ongoing relationship among Sacred Heart, our Diocesan Partnership Committee and other parishes involved in Sister Parish partnerships within our Diocese.
• Advocacy on behalf of the suffering Church of Maracay
Some of our upcoming efforts include:
• Creating a recognizable logo and using it in all correspondence, media and marketing pieces and Sister Parish “gear” – t-shirts, bookmarks, mugs, etc. for parishioners
• Creating laminated prayer cards for parishioners to take home and pray, stressing the importance of prayer for our global partners
• Continued monthly/bi-monthly Mass intercessions
• Share occasional photos/videos from Cristo Rey at Mass
• Annual parish celebration on Christ the King/Cristo Rey weekend
• Participation in the diocesan partnership with Maracay
• Update and have regular presence in bulletin/website/social media
• Physical presence in the Gathering Space
• Continued request for new members
• Offering to meet with other parishes that have sister parish relationships to share stories, rewards, struggles and best practices at a minimum of once a year.
• Inviting Venezuelan and other priests who have a relationship with Venezuela to “swap” weekend Masses with Father Ralph to come and share their stories of Venezuela with our parish.