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Parish Service Opportunities


Liturgical Ministries

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER—Minister Communion at Weekend liturgy
SACRISTAN—Help to prepare vessels before Mass and clean up after Mass
ALTAR SERVER—Serve at Mass, must be at least in 4th grade
LECTOR—Proclaim the Word of God during liturgies

GREETER—Welcome people to Mass with a smile and opening the door as people come in.
USHER--Assist at weekend liturgy; welcoming people, collection baskets, assist in the communion procession
AUDIO/VISUAL OPERATOR—Operate the power point, sound and camera system for liturgies.

LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN—Lead children in grades pre K-4th grade in prayer during the weekend liturgy

 Candidates will be asked to volunteer in the position for 1 liturgical cycle (Usually 3 Months)  Interested in helping, contact Vicki

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Bells of the Heart: A Handbell choir for teens-adults.  The ability to read music is a necessary skill. Weekly rehearsals on Mondays – 6:00-7:30 pm. New ringers are welcome and need to contact Sarah before coming to rehearsal.   320-251-8115 x116

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Sacred Heart Cafe'
Helpers Needed

K-8 Wednesday Faith Formation Nights from 5:15 - 6:45 PM in Sacred Heart Parish Hall
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, February 22nd 

( Special Time due to Ash Wednesday5:15- 6:20)
Wednesday, March 1st 
Wednesday, March 15th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Wednesday, April 5th
If you would like to help, please contact Dana Howard at


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