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An Introduction to the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas

Presenter Fr. Tom 

October 11 

Introductions; Biography of Thomas; Why St. Thomas Matters; Philosophy and Theology; Your Questions (read McInery, pp. ix-41) 

Recording of presentation with power point

syllabus and additional Handouts

October 18

An Irresponsibly Sweeping View of Western Philosophy; Basic Concepts; Christian Philosophy? (handouts)

Recording of presentation with power point

Handout - Philosophical Concepts

Handouts - Power Point Slides

November 1

What and Why? Things and Causes (pp. 42-65)

Recording of presentation with power point

Handout - Summa Theologiae 1,2,3: Whether God exists?

Handout - Power Point 

November 8

Don't Just Sit There, Do Something! Motion and Becoming (pp. 66-98)

From Nothing Comes Nothing: Creation and Creator (pp. 103-147)​

Recording of presentation with power point 

Handout - Power Point

November 15

Only One is Good: The Human Person and Morality (pp. 149-180)

Recording of presentation with power point 

Handout - Power Point

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